Jesus died to redeem the sinful world, but he rose again in order that we might believe in his power over death and have faith in him- a faith that grows and matures throughout our life on earth. According to St. Gregory, Jesus revealed himself to the disciples on the road to Emmaus because they loved him, and yet he concealed himself because they were doubtful about his Resurrection. Thus it was that he opened the Scriptures to them, making their hearts burn within them and melting the doubt from their hearts. When he appeared to the others, Simon Peter and John the Divine had already told them of the Resurrection, having believed when they saw his burial clothes. Yet he still opened their minds to understand the Scriptures that they did not yet grasp. Faith always requires confirmation and growth- no matter what I witness or experience, I shall depend on faith until seeing God face to face, and therefore continue to struggle and pray for grace to help my unbelief.
Voskresenie Tvoje, Khriste Spase, anheli pojut na nebesech;
Thy resurrection, Christ Savior, the angels praise in the heavens;
i nas na zemli spodoni tchistim serdtsim Tebe slavite.
and give us in our land pure hearts to glorify thee.
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