Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Lanterian Charism of the OMV, Part II

In response to a query I have previously elaborated on the OMV charism, but as I admitted then, a religious charism is something rather difficult to summarize briefly. But as I continue to learn I can further flesh out the details and share more depth.

This week was the first study of consecrated life and we began reading a commentary on Vita Consecrata, Saint Pope John Paul II's encyclical to religious. In another address to men an women religious, he delivered a message that goes to the heart of the charism of our congregation:

More than ever in the lives of Christians today, idols are seductive and temptations unrelenting; the art of spiritual combat, the discernment of spirits, the sharing of one's thoughts with one's spiritual director, the invocation of the Holy Name of Jesus and His mercy must once more become a part of the inner life of the disciple of the Lord. This battle is necessary in order not to be distracted or worried and to live in constant recollection with the Lord.

John Paul II Speaks to Religious, Vol. XII, no. 270

This message for the renewal of religious life in the twenty-first century is closely parallel to the spiritual mission espoused by Ven. Bruno Lanteri two centuries ago: formation in the discernment of spirits, the importance of spiritual direction for people in all states of life, living a life of recollection, and invoking the mercy of Jesus in a constant call to repentance. In fact, our words Nunc Coepi are a reminder of renewal, the constant rededication that draws consecrated souls deeper into the mystery of God.

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