Sunday, September 14, 2014

Akathist Hymn for the Exultation of the Holy Cross

The Akathist Hymn is one of the most beloved devotions of the Byzantine Rite. There has been some debate about the particular details of authorship of the first Akathist, but most scholars agree with the tradition that attributes it to St. Romanos the Melodist, who reposed in the year 556 in Constantinople. This original Akathist Hymn (to the Theotokos) proved so popular that many other hymns were written following its format praising other saints, holy events, Persons of the Trinity, etc. These pastiche forms are considered to be personal devotions; the only Akathist used liturgically is the original.
The word "akathistos" literally means "unseated," i.e., standing, because all participants stand while it is being prayed. The hymn is comprised of 24 stanzas, alternating long and short. Each short stanza (kontakion) ends with the singing of "Alleluia." Each longer stanza (ikos) ends with the refrain: "Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded," (or another invocation from the first kontakion).
As the hymn progresses, we encounter the object of the hymn more profoundly, repeatedly expressing needs, desires, and praises and finding them fulfilled in the glorious plan of salvation. Each person who participates in the Akathist tradition finds in these hymns an inspired means of expressing gratitude and praise to the Mother of God, Jesus, the Cross, etc. for what has been accomplished for their salvation.

Kontakion 1
O most blessed and all-worshipped Cross of Christ, faithfully do I venerate and magnify thee, being joyous at thy Exaltation. As a trophy of victory and unconquered weapon, protect, cover, and shelter me as I cry to thee: Rejoice, O exalted Cross of Christ!

Ikos 1
I behold the fearful Cross glorified and exalted and see it now brilliant and shedding the light of grace upon all who rejoice in the victory of Christ, I now stand amazed and cry to thee:
Rejoice, O Cross, guardian of the world!
Rejoice, O glory of the holy Church!
Rejoice, thou that dost bountifully bestow healing!
Rejoice, thou that dost enlighten earth to its ends!
Rejoice, wood fragrant with life and treasury of wonders!
Rejoice, thrice-blessed bestower of grace!
Rejoice, for thou art the divine footstool!
Rejoice, for thou wast ordained for the worship of all!
Rejoice, bowl of nectar filled to the brim!
Rejoice, torch of heavenly radiance!
Rejoice, thou through which creation is blessed!
Rejoice, thou through which the Creator is worshipped!
Rejoice, O exalted Cross of Christ!

Kontakion 2
O faithful Cross, that throughout the ages hast born witness to the glory of Christ’s passion and mystery of his conquering death, may I who have eyes to behold, ears to hear, and a mouth to speak and never cease to proclaim his glorious victory and cry out: Alleluia!

Ikos 2
Shining as a light upon all in hades, O Savior, Thou didst enlighten them that lay below, and just as Thou didst deliver them, deliver me also that I may behold the Cross and cry:
Rejoice, through which we have such joy!
Rejoice, consolation of them that mourn!  
Rejoice, despoiling of the treasures of hades!
Rejoice, enjoyment of the Paradise of delight!
Rejoice, thou rod that didst drown the Egyptian army!
Rejoice, that which in turn didst water the Israelite people!
Rejoice, living Tree, that Thief’s salvation!
Rejoice, fragrant rose, sweet scent of the godly!
Rejoice, food of the hungry in spirit!
Rejoice, seal that men have received!
Rejoice, doorway to mysteries!
Rejoice, that from which divine streams pour forth!
Rejoice, O exalted Cross of Christ!

Kontakion 3
O holy and blessed wood, on which our Savior raised man to a higher dignity than that forfeited in the Garden, let me never turn to the Tree of Knowledge in pride but rather keep my eyes fixed upon the Tree of Life in humility and approach in fear and trembling to intone: Alleluia!

Ikos 3
O Cross, which didst first receive the cleansing water and nourishing blood from the side of Christ, wounded by the lance thrust by sin and returning a blessing for a curse, may I never cease to give thanks for the wellspring of grace flowing from the life-giving passion and sing: Alleluia!
Rejoice, hope of all men born into despair!
Rejoice, refuge of sinful man before God!
Rejoice, which draw all men to thyself!
Rejoice, that bore him who bore all the word’s sorrows
Rejoice, that unitest men of every time and place!
Rejoice, sign of life springing from death!
Rejoice, which received the first blood of the Lord!
Rejoice, heaviest burden ever born!
Rejoice, burden most lovingly born!
Rejoice, despised by all men but embraced by Christ!
Rejoice, who embraced him who the world rejected!
Rejoice, witness of the redemption of sinners!
Rejoice, O exalted Cross of Christ!

Kontakion 4
O Cross, which didst embrace the Savior that sinners denied and condemned, thou didst accept him who was despised and rejected although he rejected none; may the faithful who confess him Lord never cease to honor his chosen Cross and cry out: Alleluia!

Ikos 4
He Who on Sinai did give the law to the Godseer of old, by His own will was nailed to the Cross, lawlessly for lawless men; and He loosed the ancient curse of the law, so that beholding the might of the Cross, we might all now cry:
Rejoice, where love was most profoundly revealed!
Rejoice, uplifting of the fallen!
Rejoice, downfall of those who adore the world!
Rejoice, inauguration of the Resurrection of Christ!
Rejoice, divine joy of monastics!
Rejoice, shady-leafed Tree sheltering believers!
Rejoice, prophet-proclaimed Tree planted on earth!
Rejoice, mighty protection of the state!
Rejoice, manifestation of the just Judge!
Rejoice, condemnation of offending mortals!
Rejoice, succor of orphans!
Rejoice, enricher of the poor!
Rejoice, O exalted Cross of Christ!

Kontakion 5
O Cross, thou wert designed by the Father of lies and Slanderer to defeat man’s hope of redemption; may I, wretched sinner who have so often used creation for selfish and evil ends, be eager to turn God’s gifts to good and sanctification that I may behold his gifts in their goodness and cry: Alleluia!

Ikos 5
Like to the sun has the Cross appeared in the world to fill men with its light; may I ever view it as the cause of good raised up by divine hands and bless it, saying:
Rejoice, dawn of the spiritual sun!
Rejoice, unfailing fount of myrrh!
Rejoice, death-blow to the prince of hades!
Rejoice, which in exaltation, thou dost now also exalt us!
Rejoice, that in being veneration, thou dost sanctify men’s souls!
Rejoice, most plentiful strength of the martyrs!
Rejoice, thou through which hades was cast down!
Rejoice, thou through which God did rise up!
Rejoice, sign of contradiction and confoundment to the world!
Rejoice, whose arms embrace all the world in its Maker!
Rejoice, weapon of the enemy made instrument of his defeat!
Rejoice, sign of hope for those in a legacy of despair!
Rejoice, O exalted Cross of Christ!

Kontakion 6
With the purpose of saving his creation the Lord of the world ineffably descended to it and submitted to the Cross; and being God, for us He accepteth all that pertaineth to our nature. Wherefore, having also redeemed us, he heareth from all: Alleluia!

Ikos 6
O Cross, thou wast designed to humble the proud and humiliate, but in the mystery of the divine plan thou wert used to manifest and exalt him who is most humble; may I who am the proudest of sinners and most vain of evildoers learn humility that I may be worthy for initiation to the mystery and cry:
Rejoice, who was never embraced before thy Maker came to thee!
Rejoice, ladder to heaven for us, the earth-bound!
Rejoice, foundation of godliness!
Rejoice, conquest of the promised land!
Rejoice, thou that dost put the spiritual Amalek to flight!
Rejoice, thout that wast prefigured by the hands of Jacob!
Rejoice, for thou didst fulfill the prophetic utterances!
Rejoice, thou that disdt bear the Savior of all!
Rejoice, thou that didst destroy the corrupter of souls!
Rejoice, through which we are united with angels!
Rejoice, through which we are illumined by light!
Rejoice, for with honor we worship thee!
Rejoice, O exalted Cross of Christ!

Kontakion 7
O Cross of rough, unfinished wood, which held the Lord even as the manger had at his birth, thou didst hold him displayed for the world to behold and mock; may I, wretched sinner fond of sensuality, desire to forsake comforts for the sake of him to whom I sing: Alleluia!

Ikos 7
Entire, he came down from on high, retaining His divinity, the only Word from before all ages; and being born of a Virgin Mother, He appeared to the world as a lowly man, accepting the Cross, and gave life to them that cry thereto:
Rejoice, weapon of peace!
Rejoice, starting point and goal of travelers!
Rejoice, wisdom and firm support of the saved!
Rejoice, folly and destruction of the damned!
Rejoice, fruitful, immortal, life-bearing plant!
Rejoice, flower that blossomed with our salvation!
Rejoice, for thou dost join together things on earth with things above!
Rejoice, for thou dost enlighten the hearts of them below!
Rejoice, thou through which corruption is banished!
Rejoice, thou through which sorrow has vanished!
Rejoice, thou myriad-numbered wealth of good things!
Rejoice, thou myriad-named boast of believers!
Rejoice, O exalted Cross of Christ!

Kontakion 8
Having willed to grant grace unto men, Christ stretched out His hands on the tree, and doth call all the nations together, granting the Kingdom of Heaven to all that faithfully sing the hymn and faithfully cry: Alleluia!

Ikos 8
Chanting the hymn, out of love I praise thee as the living Tree of the Lord; for being nailed upon thee in the flesh, He that ruleth over the Hosts on high hath sanctified, glorified and taught us to cry these words unto thee:
Rejoice, spiritual sword!
Rejoice, thou holy gaze of saints!
Rejoice, wonder of the saints!
Rejoice, dread of the demons!
Rejoice, prediction of the prophets and the righteous!
Rejoice, brilliant strategem of Christ!
Rejoice, beauty and crown of pious kings!
Rejoice, strength and stronghold of reverent priests!
Rejoice, fair and noble jewel of truth!
Rejoice, joyful splendor of all!
Rejoice, lamp of purest light!
Rejoice, thou gladness of my soul!
Rejoice, O exalted Cross of Christ!

Kontakion 9
Fallen is the profane legion of demons, seeing the Cross worshipped with longing, as it doth ever gush forth healing to them that cry: Alleluia!

Ikos 9
Having all beheld the God-crowned Tree, let us come under its protection. Taking it up as a weapon, with it we put our enemies to flight and, touching the untouchable, with our lips we cry to it:
Rejoice, height of the wisdom of God!
Rejoice, thou depth of his providence!
Rejoice, heavenly scepter of the faithful king!
Rejoice, thou that turnest back the ranks of our foes!
Rejoice, thou flame that burnest demons!
Rejoice, invincible trophy of those who love Christ!
Rejoice, thou that humblest the arrogant!
Rejoice, undoer of the trespass of the first-created!
Rejoice, opener of the entrance to Paradise!
Rejoice, revered by all!
Rejoice, healer of the sick!
Rejoice, constant help of them that weep!
Rejoice, O exalted Cross of Christ!

Kontakion 10
O Cross, which became the altar of self-immolation for the great High Priest, bearing the one acceptable Sacrifice who atones for transgressions of this most wretched sinner, may I never cease to give thanks for him who freely chose thee and withheld nothing, and follow in his example by embracing three and crying out: Alleluia!

Ikos 10
O Cross of joy, that although designed and fashioned by men for death and misery hast become the cause of our rejoicing, may I who have been created to glorify God never cease to rejoice before men and declare:
Rejoice, sign of veritable joy!
Rejoice, redemption from the ancient curse!
Rejoice, that didst appear in the stars as a sign!
Rejoice, accomplishment of the ineffable counsel!
Rejoice, on whose account the Christ-bearers rejoice!
Rejoice, ladder set on high, foreseen once of old!
Rejoice, wonder of the angels!
Rejoice, wound of the demons!
Rejoice, welcome relic of the world!
Rejoice, quencher of deception’s fire!
Rejoice, protection of the helpless!
Rejoice, thou stern trainer of the victors!
Rejoice, O exalted Cross of Christ!

Kontakion 11
Every hymn falleth short that would comprehend the multitude of thy many wonders; for though we should offer thee a multitude of praises, O precious Cross, we should do nothing worthy of what thou hast granted us, but still we cry: Alleluia!

Ikos 11
The radiance that giveth light to them in darkness doth this Life-giving Cross bestow; for it hath shown us the immaterial light, and hath illumined the way for all to divine knowledge; and being lifted up, it now lifteth up our minds that we might chant these words:
Rejoice, thou that dost receive tenderly the souls of men!
Rejoice, luminary that shineth on them in darkness!
Rejoice, star that dawneth upon the world!
Rejoice, defense against many evils!
Rejoice, award of many good things!
Rejoice, fulfillment of the most mysterious prophecies!
Rejoice, thou whose form hath appeared from Heaven!
Rejoice, thou whose power doth dispel evil!
Rejoice, thou that dost signify mortification of the flesh!
Rejoice, thou that dost slay the insurrection of the passions!
Rejoice, thou upon which Christ was crucified!
Rejoice, thou by which all the world was saved!
Rejoice, O exalted Cross of Christ!

Kontakion 12
Seeing the strange wonder, let us live our life as strangers, lifting our minds up to heaven; since for this was Christ nailed to the cross, and suffered in the flesh, having willed to draw to the heights them that cry to it: Alleluia!

Ikos 12
O wondrous Cross, which is beheld by all creation as the instrument of salvation to the confoundment of the world, may we accept the saving embrace of our Master as thou didst and never cease to bear him on our bodies that we may continue to wonder and cry out:
Rejoice, vessel of light!
Rejoice, treasury of life!
Rejoice, bestower of the gifts of the Passion!
Rejoice, calm port for those at sea!
Rejoice, table that holdest Christ as Sacrifice!
Rejoice, vine that bearest the cluster dripping mystical wine!
Rejoice, protector of God-fearing princes!
Rejoice, which dost crush the heads of great serpents!
Rejoice, illustrious sign of the faith!
Rejoice, preservation of all the world!
Rejoice, blessing of God upon mortals!
Rejoice, mediation of mortals with God!
Rejoice, O exalted Cross of Christ!

Kontakion 13
O most laudable Tree which held the Word, the most holy of all holy beings, having received our entreaties, deliver us from every calamity and redeem from eternal torment all them that cry to thee: Alleluia!

(Kontakion 13 is repeated three times. Then Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1 are repeated in that order.)

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